Some IID Corporate members may only accept enquiries from the interior design trade. In this case please choose a designer from our “IID Professions Designer Members” page. Your selected designer will be able to obtain the necessary information and purchase the required items for you. Corporate Members of quality goods and services to the Interior Design profession who wish to become preferred members to IID professional members may apply for corporate membership of the Institute. A minimum of 5 years’ trading experience is required.
The IID has a number of Corporate Members that have established trade histories and are recognized as suppliers of quality products and services to the Interior Professions industry. They include leading fabric houses, furniture suppliers, bathroom and kitchen manufacturers, curtains makers and upholsterers, to name but a few.
Any Company or statutory body, public or private, whose management body wishes to support the Institute in attaining its objectives, but not practicing as an Interior Decorator, Interior Designer or Interior Architect may apply for Corporate Membership of the Institute by satisfying the National Council of its professional commitment and suitability and by compliance with the requirements set out in the application form. NATIONAL FOOTPRINT
Any Company or institution who practices a trade or enterprise allied to but not practicing as an Interior Decorator, Interior Designer or Interior Architect may apply for Corporate Membership of the Institute by satisfying the National Council of its professional commitment and suitability and by compliance with the requirements set out in the application form. 5 Years trading experience required. HAS A BRANCH IN TWO REGIONS
Any Company or institution who practices a trade or enterprise allied but not practicing as an Interior Decorator, Interior Designer or Interior Architect may apply for Corporate Membership of the institute by satisfying the National Council of its professional commitment and suitability and by compliance with the requirements set out in the application form. 5 Years trading experience required. HAS A BRANCH IN ONE REGION