Student Membership

The Student Membership Category applies to students of Interior Design  with a minimum of two years of study successfully completed. Also applies to students of Interior Decorating who are studying a one-year full-time Interior Decorating course. The African Institute of the Interior Design Professions (IID) is the only professional body representing final year students, practicing professionals, suppliers and education institutions in the Interior Design industry in South Africa. It operates on a national basis with representation in Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern and Western Cape. The Institute is dedicated to establishing, promoting and maintaining expertise, professionalism and high standards throughout the industry.
Join the IID and add your voice to the organization working for the future of the Interior Design profession in South Africa.

Any person who is currently engaged in obtaining a full-time 3 year diploma or a minimum full time 3 year degree from an accredited educational institution. The applicant must have successfully completed a minimum of two years on the program and must be engaged in the 3rd year of the Interior Design at the accredited educational institute. 

Also applies to any person who has obtained a minimum 1 year full time qualification from an accredited educational institution and has just entered the Interior Décor field. If a part-time course has been completed, a student may also apply and will be subject to the approval by the IID NationalCouncil of his/her competence and suitability by compliance with the requirements set out in the application form.

This category also applies to any person who is in the process of obtaining a minimum 1 year full time qualification from an accredited educational institution and has just entered the Interior Décor market. If a part-time course has been completed, a student may also apply and will be subject to the approval by the IID National Council of his/her competence and suitability by compliance with the requirements set out in the application form.

The IID recognises that we cannot apply a consistent membership assessment standard to Interior Architects, Designers and Decorator’s professional output. Therefore please see details below of the application requirements per category:

Student Interior Decorator

  • A portfolio of projects completed during student training presented via Digital documentation submission (in MS PowerPoint) that demonstrates and/or includes: Applicant’s knowledge and experience by including prepared drawings and documents relative to the design the interior spaces of each project
  • An updated CV.
  • Copies of your qualification(s) and final results from the institution of study.

Student Interior Architect / Interior Designer 

  • A copy of your 2nd year results from your Institution of Study (if available).
  • Please note that assessment of an applicant’s portfolio may be called for when the Membership Committee is unable to adequately determine the person’s appropriate status from Education and Experience information provided.
  • A letter from the accredited institution confirming your enrolment for your year of study.
  • An updated CV.

As a student member of the IID you will not be allowed to display the IID logo on your business cards, website, e-mail signature, marketing material etc. however you will be allowed to include the suffix “IID Student Member” to your name as well as the IID student logo e.g.